
Light in the Darkness

For this project, we had to enlarge a picture that we took from one of our jpg. challenges. I chose this picture of a lamp in my living room that I took at night and then turned it into a charcoal painting. I chose this because it was very interesting in the sense that the light really pops out and is emphasized in the picture. My intentions for this piece was to make that light pop out as it did in the picture and to use different values of lights along with darks. I accomplished these things by making the lightest lights with white chalk, the darkest dark with compressed charcoal, and then the rest of the values in between with my eraser and charcoal sticks. My drawing is about value and contrast. My drawing really works in the sense that it is able to depict and emphasize the lights from the darks and the light really shines in the darkness. 


  1. your added attention paid off. you really looked at shapes and didnt just gloss over them

  2. It looks real without looking copied .

  3. I like how it's dark but then the one corner glows it looks great

  4. i like how most of the picture fades into black

  5. i like the dramatic light in your drawing

  6. That's beautiful!! I like the contrast u made in ur picture!!!
